Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Hebei University of Technology & Study in hebut

Eligibility & Requirements

All applicants are required to submit the following documents:

1. Hebei University of Technology Application Form for Foreign Students

2. A copy of applicant's passport

3. Health Certificate.

4. The original and translated copies of academic certificate, diploma.

5. The certificate of HSK and recommendation letters should be the actual original ones.

Students’ Categories

Application Qualification

Documents to be submitted

Chinese Language Programs Students & Short Term Group Students or Trainees

No requirement of educational background,

physical health

Undergraduate Chinese Program for Complete Beginners

High school diploma or its equivalent

Certificate of high school and academic record

Undergraduate Student

High school diploma or its equivalent

A. Certificate of high school and academic record

B. Certificate of HSK level 4 or above

C. Certificate of HSK level 3 (Two-month Summer school on Chinese language training at HEBUT before the following Fall semester)

Master's Candidate

A bachelor's degree or

its equivalent

A. Certificate of bachelor degree and academic record

B. Two academic recommendation letters from associate professors or senior scholars

C. A study plan or research proposal

D. Optional documents for Chinese language teaching only

l Certificate of HSK level 4 or above

l Certificate of HSK level 3 (Two-month Summer school on Chinese language training at HEBUT before the following Fall semester)

Doctoral Candidate

A master's degree or

its equivalent

A. Certificate of master Diploma and degree

B. Two academic recommendation letters from associate professors or senior scholars

C. A study plan or research proposal

D. Optional documents for Chinese language teaching only

l Certificate of HSK level 4 or above

l Certificate of HSK level 3 (Two-month Summer school on Chinese language training at HEBUT before the following Fall semester)

  • Phone: +86 10 5627 9905
  • Mobile/WhatsApp: +86 186 1298 8650
  • WeChat: cysofz
  • QQ: 236 555 9260

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